- Paddington Art Gallery, Sydney Australia.
- Toowoomba Art Gallery, Brisbane Australia.
- Mirage Resort, Gold Coast Australia invitation artist.
- Burnett Art Gallery, Kingaroy Australia, joint exhibition with John Spies.
- Te Maori Art Gallery, New Zealand, 21 paintings in solo exhibition.
- Television New Zealand Atrium, Auckland New Zealand, 22 paintings in solo exhibition.
- Maritime Museum-Auckland: oil painting of Americas Cup Yacht NZL60 ;7 ft by 5 ft; Permanent display
- The Arthouse, Christchurch, ‘Expressions of Realism’ 2001, group show.
- New Zealand's National Maritime Museum: Oil Paintings of the Volvo Around the World Race fleet
- Caley Art Gallery Otira
- Nga Hau E Wha National Marae Christchurch New Zealand
- Florence Biennale December 2003 -Paintings Entered Wairua Tangata & Takahe
- Peter Now has his own Gallery in Geraldine where a large private collection of his work is on Permanent display
- Grand Hyatt International Art Show- Dubai UAE 1st international art and craft show
- Ambiente Arabia held at the World Trade centre-Dubai-UAE
- Te Papa ( June 2005)
- USA Tour September October 2005.
- San Francisco, Chicago, Toronto, New York, Dallas and Phoenix.
- USA Media tour April May 2006.
- Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, LA, Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Texas.
- Guest Artist at Riversdale, Southland Mixed Media Exhibition July 21 to 30 2006